Starting Solids with Your Baby
You are on this page because you're thinking about or have recently started solid foods with your little one! Starting solids is a fun and exciting time!
Your Infant Sleep Patterns
Learn about the changes in your baby's sleep patterns from infancy to 4 months of age. Discover tips for developing a bedtime routine and self-soothing skills.
Picture This…
A recent study from the University of Colorado found a connection between the use [...]
What You Need to Know About Vitamin D
Families have been aware of the importance of sufficient vitamin D consumption in developing healthy bones for years. Vitamin D is important for bone and muscle health.
The Language of E-Cigarettes
With the rise of e-cig use in the pre-adolescent/adolescents, we must learn the lingo around vaping to have a meaningful conversation with our kids.
Move to Baby-Led Weaning
There has been a transition among nutritionists & pediatrician toward baby-led weaning. Our nutritionist, Sari Imberman, has written an excellent article that describes the strategy this new strategy.
Increased Allergy Risk with Early Medication Use
The relationship between medication & atopic diseases, such as asthma, allergies, eczema, have been studied for years reminding us that we must always weigh the risks and benefits of prescribing medicine.
Safe Travel & The Car Seat
This post answers the most common questions often asked about traveling around the city and trips beyond the bridges & tunnels.
The Truth About Vaping: Why It’s Not a Safe Alternative
A new study by the AAP reveals that vaping is not a safe alternative to smoking cigarettes. There were two important findings.
In The News: Playground Accidents
A new study found that toddlers are prone to leg fractures when sitting in their parent's lap while using a slide. The risk of the accident is magnified by the greater force generated by the child sitting in the parent’s lap.
Positivity: A Real Indicator of Academic Success
A recent study by researchers at Stanford concluded that a positive attitude is as important as IQ as a predictor of academic success.
The Phone Contract
When I talk to parents of preteens, the conversation inevitably turns to the question of when their children should have their own cell phones.