Twelve-Month Visit

Congratulations on your child’s first birthday! Can you believe how far your baby has come? At this visit, we will discuss different ways to help turn those baby sounds into words. We will also review some child-proofing tips as your baby becomes a toddler.

All babies develop at different rates.  Do not be discouraged or worried if your child has not achieved the following milestones by 12 months.

At this age, your child should:

  • Walk with or without assistance
  • Enjoys feeding himself
  • Deep attachments to a few familiar people
  • Displays an evolving sense of humor
  • Utters a few words (“mama”, “dada”, “dog”, “ball”)
  • Understands a few one word commands (“come”, “stop”)

Your infant should be in a rear facing car seat until 2 years of age.

At this visit your child will receive the MMR (measles , mumps and rubella) and Prevnar (pneumococcal) vaccines. If the season is appropriate, your child may also receive the Influenza vaccine.